Sunday, May 28, 2017

Swimming Lessons by Claire Fuller

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was not sure what to expect from this book given it's written description. Honestly, after having read it, I realize how difficult it is to summarize such a rich, complex story. Once you begin reading, you feel pulled into the story and yearn to discover more about Ingrid and Gil's dysfunctional marriage. There's always two sides to every story and this one is no exception. The story unfolds with alternating chapters of letters Ingrid has written to Gil and the years after Ingrid has gone missing. The theme of loss and abandonment pervade the novel as much as the uncomfortable truth regarding the family is revealed. I'm sure it isn't coincidental that Ingrid writes letters to Gil while his whereabouts are unknown, hiding the letters in selected books of his burdening collection that surround their home. Alternately, it is Gil and their daughters who are left wondering the circumstances regarding Ingrid's disappearance. I found this story to be captivating and filled with rich, dimensional characters. The complex story unfolds slowly right down to the chapter.

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