Thursday, July 12, 2018

Tell the Wolves I’m Home by Carol Rifka Brunt

Tell the Wolves I’m Home By Carol Rifka Brunt


Tell the Wolves I’m Home is a touching story which eloquently expresses the the struggles of relationships in families during adolescence, death and sibling rivalry. The author provides encouragement regarding the emotional process of grieving losses and reconciling past issues. 

June Elbus is a typical shy and awkward 14 year old trying to maneuver the challenges of adolescence in New York during the late 1980’s. Over the years she has come to rely on her Uncle Finn for emotional support as she became more distant from her older sister, Greta. She felt that he was the only one who understood and accepted her completely. Finn Weiss was also a renowned artist and godfather to Junie cherished their relationship. 

The family understands that Finn is gravely ill and would like to paint a portrait of June and her sister Greta before he dies. Their mother, Finn’s sister, drives them every Sunday to his apartment so that he can work on the painting. Finn hopes that the time together might help reconcile differences between the sisters who were once very close. It was also a reason to spend time with his sister with whom he had a strained relationship after he was diagnosed. Although she rarely spoke her presence was an important reminder of family relationships. While Mozart’s Requiem played in the background, his sister would carefully prepare tea each week in Finn’s treasured Russian teapot while the girls sat for the portrait. 

Finn’s death had a profound effect on the family who all dealt with their grief differently. Although the portrait was finished before his death, it was difficult for the family to actually look at the finished piece. Aside from the portrait reminding them of Finn’s loss, it also stood as a visual representation of the grief and resentment that existed within the family. 

One day, June receives a mysterious package containing her uncle’s beloved teapot. An interesting encounter with a stranger helps June to see her life from another perspective. Is it possible to rectify relationships fractured over the years by jealousy, resentment and misunderstanding? How can a family grieve a loss and find their way back to the love that once existed? Is it ever too late to heal old wounds to create new memories? 

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