Thursday, February 21, 2019

Lost You by Haylen Beck

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Pub date: August 6,2019
Crown Publishing
Genre: Fiction, psycho thriller
Rating: 3/5

I received a digital ARC of this book from NetGalley and Crown Publishing in exchange for an unbiased review.

Whenever a book starts by explaining the ending you can be sure there’s a lot more to the story. Lost You starts with a tragic ending on the roof top of a hotel in Florida. Many people are “lost” throughout this novel.

Libby and Mason were married but unable to conceive a baby. It becomes an obsession for Libby which eventually drives a wedge in their marriage. Eventually, Libby pursues a surrogate with a shady organization when waiting for an adoption doesn’t seem likely.

Anna Lenihan loses her job as a waitress at the Flatiron Bar and Grill. Her co-worker Betsy provides support in the form of beer and pizza. The two women lament in Anna’s mobile home as she worries about how she will pay her bills. Betsy sees an ad in the local paper and encourages Anna to call convincing her that “medical research” is an option to make money. Anna decides to call and follow through with an “interview” which was vague and creepy. If Anna didn’t need the money she may have listened to her gut when she felt hesitant about this “job”.

What are the consequences of surrogacy for both women? At what point does obsession cross the line into criminal? Both women exhibit extreme emotional instability which clouds their ability to be a responsible parent. Without providing spoilers, the two women’s lives intersect in a devastating manner. The story was suspenseful and provided many unexpected twists. Personally, the desperate, impulsive personalities of the two women made me cringe.

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