Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The Fragments by Toni Jordan

The FragmentsThe Fragments by Toni Jordan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Fragments by Toni Jordan

Publisher: Text Publishing
Pub date: September 20,2019
Genre: fiction, women’s fiction

I received a digital ARC of this book in exchange for an unbiased review from NetGalley and publisher.

Caddie Walker, a Brisbane bookseller, is one of many standing in line to see the exhibit on display showcasing the life and work of author Inga Karlson. It has been 50 years since her tragic untimely death in a 1930‘s New York fire. There was a lot of mystery and controversy regarding the fire and the destruction of her long waited second novel. They were only able to save burned “fragments” of her novel which have been included in the display. While at the exhibit, Caddie has a few chance interactions with other visitors with whom she crosses path with later.

The circumstances regarding the warehouse fire which was deemed an act of arson still remained an unsolved mystery. There are several characters who are invested in uncovering the truth each their own motive. The story is told through alternating chapters from the present and the past. It tells the story of Inga Karlson and her journey to fame.

There are many stories being told which both create mystery and then eventually reveal the truths of the past. It’s a story of survival and redemption of the human soul. The struggle between wanting to achieve our greatest goals yet fearing the changes that ultimate success might bring.

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