Saturday, March 9, 2019

The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen

The Wife Between UsThe Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Pub date: June 2018
St Martin’s Press
Fiction, library loan, bookclub,mystery
Rating: 4/5

A convoluted story of jealousy and deception beyond imagination. It draws you in with its artfully scripted plot which eventually begins to twist and turn. You can’t put the book down lest you miss the next secret revealed and it’s impact on the conclusion.

Nothing is what it seems in this story which makes everyone an unreliable character. Consequently, your opinions shift from who to like and not like. Who can you trust becomes the question.

For Richard, there seems to be way too many women involved in his life. This is the tip of the iceberg of his problems!

The story begins with Nellie, a preschool teacher at the Learning Ladder with her roommate, Samantha, also a teacher in New York City. When Nellie announces her engagement to Richard, a wealthy hedge fund manager, it seems to good to be true.

Then, the focus turns to Vanessa who moves in with her Aunt Charlotte after her divorce from Richard. She is not pleased with the recent engagement announcement and desperately tries to intervene.

The story alternates from different women’s point of view and their relationship with Richard. There’s Emma who carries around guilt from her sorority days when her pledge drowns unexpectedly. She carries the secret of her past which has constantly looking over her shoulder.

It’s difficult to describe the story without releasing spoilers because it is twisted making this review as confusing as the story until the truths are revealed. Don’t take anything for granted and just enjoy the journey!

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