Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Count the Ways by Joyce Maynard

 June 29, 2021   

Library Thing ER

Rec’d 3/3/21


Fiction, arc

442 pages

William Morrow 




I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the publisher and Library Thing. This review is my voluntary and unbiased opinion. 


I actually listened to the audiobook while reading this ARC. There were some chapters which did not make it into the final product. I don’t believe they impacted this long complex story about family and acceptance. 


Eleanor raised her three children, Alison, Ursula and Toby in a modest and traditional family. Their father Cam started an annual tradition for the family to create "cork people" which they named before setting them off in the river.


Fast forward and Eleanor's children are grown with children of their own. The years have been filled with drama and bitter words. The idyllic life of which Eleanor had dreamed slowly disintegrates after tragedy befalls the family. Over the years, the kids go in their own very different direction after their parent's divorce. The story is complex with colorful characters who can draw mixed emotions given the themes of gender identity, family values, and forgiveness.


The cork people are symbolic of most families, as not everyone who floats in the water will make in down the river. Life is filled with many challenges which usually catch you off guard.






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