January 23, 2023
St Martin’s Press
288 pages
Romance, fiction, digital, pub widget
Cara Tanamachi Twitter/Instagram/TikTok: @CaraTanamachi
SMP Romance Twitter/Facebook/Instagram: @smpromance
St. Martin’s Press TikTok: @stmartinspress
#TheSecondYoureSingle #CaraTanamachi #SMPRomance
The story is told from different perspectives of Sora Reid and Jack Mann. It’s February with hearts and Valentines everywhere which Sora finds depressing. She is a freelance writer for Slick online women’s magazine working from home.
She is a difficult to like character because she is so self deprecating and self sabotaging. It’s initially amusing as she describes her overachieving sister preparing for her upcoming wedding. She is always trying to avoid doing things with her Japanese American mother who follows diet and exercise fads. A few annoying issues for me dealt with the mention of bacon so many times. With all her “issues” I would add obsession to bacon as one. The other issue is that poor one eyed dog, Larry. Every time she mentions his mishaps bumping into things it made me cringe!
There are some redeeming qualities if you continue reading through the sometimes irritating repetitive parts. I also felt that the main characters although apparently have been in prior relationships react to each other like teens on a first date.
Since Sora breaks up with Dan, her married with kids weeknight boyfriend, she laments over her history of bad relationships. She takes her dislike of Valentine’s Day to an extreme level which seems to help her writing career. Of course when you least expect something that’s when it is likely to appear. It’s an embarrassing run in with her ex-husband Marley Douchet at the grocery store which reminds her why she feels like her love life is doomed.
Fortunately, Jack Mann to the rescue with his store samples of pastry tarts. There’s an interesting cast of characters which means opportunities for misunderstandings and possible reunions. Will Sora be able to keep her pledge to #GoSoloFebruary?
Thank you to NetGalley and St Martin’s Press for the opportunity to review this complimentary ARC. The review is my honest and unbiased opinion.
I would recommend this book anyone who enjoys light romantic comedies. It was just too annoying for my overly critical mind!
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