Saturday, March 16, 2024

All Dressed Up by Jilly Gagnon

Publication date: September 6, 2022
Ballantine Books
Publisher widget, NetGalley, digital, fiction, 
352 pages  3/5
Yewon Son (she/her) Marketing Assistant│Random House 
date read: 10/29/22-10/31/22

Rebecca Wilson is swept away on a surprise 1920's theme murder mystery weekend by her husband Blake in an attempt to reconcile with her for his betrayal. She is naturally curious but suspicious when realizes that they are at an old mansion coincidentally with another couple they know. This story is a convolution of characters which can be difficult to follow even if you have a list since all the characters have two names. They arrive with their own names but then have to "be" another character for the weekend to solve a mysterious "murder". Becca is on edge and just skeptical in general especially when she overhears a conversation which sounds dubious at best. When a character is found "murdered" the game begins with each character given specific clue pertinent to their character and how they are related to the mystery. Confusion begins when a character goes "missing" unexpectedly and they realize they might have an actual murder to solve. 

It is an interesting story plot but used too much of my "headspace" following the story. I thought it was me until I noticed other reviewers with the same experience. It's a challenge to read because of all the characters and kudos to the author for being able to keep track of them!

Thank you NetGalley and Random House/Ballantine Books for sending this book for review
consideration. All opinions are my own.


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