Publication: July 12, 2022
Random House/Ballantine
Fiction, sci-fi, fantasy, digital, dystopia, mystery
352 pages
This is not my usual genre but I found it an exciting and somewhat frightening look into the futuristic advances in science and technology. Logan Ramsay is an agents who work for GPA, Gene Protection Agency. He becomes involved in an effort to amend the sins of his mother, Miriam Ramsay, a scientist involved with a genetic modification project. He feels compelled to correct his family's horrific legacy which explores the limits of humanity. He wants to protect his wife, Beth and daughter, Ava. While leading a raid on a suspected gene laboratory Logan is fortunate to survive an explosion. Or is he? Just as he begins to feel better he realizes that he is almost feeling "too good" in that his thinking is clearer and sharper than it was before the accident. Logan eventually realizes that he has been taken to a lab as a subject for a gene altering project on humans. Although his mother died, he can't help but think that he is being used to advance his mother's trials on altering human genomes. It is a thought provoking journey about the capabilities that might exist and the questionable moral responsibility attached.
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