Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The Good Sister by Gillian McAllister

The Good SisterThe Good Sister by Gillian McAllister
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

 The Good Sister: a novel by Gillian McAllister

June 11, 2019
G.P. Putman’s Son
ISBN: 9780525539391
Rating: 9/10

I received a digital copy of this book from Edelweiss+ and publisher in exchange for an unbiased review.

Martha and Scott Blackwater seem to have the idyllic life filled with a nice home, good jobs and now a new baby. The couple were not prepared for the many ways in which their lives would change becoming parents. Martha had quit her job as a geography teacher to pursue her passion of running a charity helping less fortunate children. Unfortunately, Layla wasn’t a happy baby who suffered with severe reflux issues which made her cry incessantly. working from home with a crying baby was impossible especially with Scott working long hours.

Her sister and best friend, Becky, is separated from her husband Marc and is unhappy with her current job as a set designer. Becky had to drop out of school when she became pregnant at 19 with her son Xander, now 9 years old. She had dreams of working as an interior designer. Her self deprecating thoughts and drinking prevented her from pursuing her goals.

There’s seems to be a solution which both sisters feel would benefit the other. Becky quits her job and becomes an “on call” nanny for Martha. This provides her an income and flexible hours to spend with her son. Martha would be able to transition her charity work so that she could delegate from home.

Unfortunately, a tragedy occurs and Layla, only 8 weeks old, is found unresponsive and blue. So many questions start swirling around and the most likely suspect is Becky. Martha struggles with the notion that her sister could possibly be capable of such a horrendous crime. Becky pleads her innocence throughout the long trial process. This story is a mind twisting journey through the judicial system where everyone has something to lose. Ultimately, a baby is dead and everyone just seeks to understand the truth.

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