Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides

The Silent PatientThe Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides

Celadon Books
February 2019
Fiction, library loan, psycho thriller
Rating: 4/5

“He that has eyes to see and ears to hear may convince himself that no mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, he chatters with his fingertips; betrayal oozes out of him at every pore. —SIGMUND FREUD, Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis”

Alicia Berenson was found standing beside her husband, Gabriel who was bound with wire to a chair with gun shots to his face. Covered in blood, Alicia is brought to hospital where it seems she slit her wrists. The story is narrated by Theo Faber, a forensic psychotherapist, who seems to have his own story to tell. He seems to make it his mission to help Alicia who has refused to speak a word since the tragedy. What are his intentions for wanting to get so involved with this obvious murderer? Does investigating Alicia’s motives for murder help distract him from confronting his own marital issues?

Alicia is a painter with a long standing history of mental instability. She is married to Gabriel who is a fashion photographer who seem to have an uneventful life until suspicion and paranoia begin to arise when she suspects someone is watching her. Is someone really watching her or is she really paranoid spiraling into a mental breakdown?

There are a lot of references to Greek mythology which I found interesting. Alicia names her self portrait, Alcestis, who was a Greek mythology princess known for sacrificing her life for her husband. The head psychotherapist at the inpatient facility is Professor Diomedes, also another reference to a Greek god and respected leader of Trojan War. The inferences would make for interesting discussion in a book club.

This is a well-written psychological twister which keeps you questioning everyone’s intentions and interest in this tragic murder. Since I am not a fan of revealing spoilers, I will say that the writing is captivating with rarely a dull moment. I had many working theories while I read this book which made me anxious to reach the conclusion! I surprised to discover that one of my theories was indeed correct but it honestly took me to the final page! Brilliant.

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