Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Sunset Beach by Mary Kay Andrews

Sunset BeachSunset Beach by Mary Kay Andrews
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sunset Beach by Mary Kay Andrews

St Martin’s Press
May 7, 2019
Rating: 4/5

I received a digital ARC copy of this book from St Martin’s Press and NetGalley in exchange for an unbiased review.

I am pleasantly surprised with my experience reading this book. This is my first book by this author even though I’ve several of her books on my TBR list. It is the perfect balance of drama, mystery and romance. I found the authors notes at the conclusion of the novel an added bonus. She provides insight into her sources for inspiration and even a recipe!

The story is told through alternating chapters of present and past. It had been 20 years since her parents divorced and she and her mother, Sherri, went to live in Fort Lauderdale. Brice Campbell, her father, continued to live in St Petersburg after remarrying. It’s only after the recent death of her mother and a career ending knee injury that she reunited with her estranged father.

She learns that she has inherited her maternal grandparents cottage in Sunset Beach which is in desperate need of repair. With no reason to stay in Ft Lauderdale, Drue accepts a job at her father’s law firm since is no longer able of kiteboarding. Moving back to St Pete’s proved to be more challenging than she anticipated.

Drue soon discovers that her father has remarried, Wendy, her best friend from her school days. On top of having lack of reliable transportation, she constantly arrives late for work to find “See me” notes on her computer. As Drue begins to renovate the old cottage and acclimate to her new job environment, she becomes invested in a few unresolved stories. One is a mystery surrounding the death of a young hotel worker and the other an unsolved cold case she uncovers in the attic.

“But when her attention is caught by a suspicious murder case, Drue finds herself entangled in a decades-old mystery - one that may have dire consequences for Drue and the people she loves.“

This story captivated me on a variety of levels and maintained my interest without an obvious predictable plot.

View all my reviews

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